Our Team
The Petrocasa Team consists of over 100 oil and gas professionals who have a range of experience of over two decades within the energy sector. As a team, each member specializes in a distinct skill and trade within the land industry.
What We Do
Petrocasa can immediately provide a team of professionals who are experienced in all disciplines of land matters that are associated with the industry. We are positioned to help your company assume the identification and negotiation of mineral leases and title clearance on projects throughout the Continental United States, focused in states including Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Michigan, California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah & Washington.
Petrocasa's performance is based on our team's strong work ethic as well as our experience. Petrocasa's commitment to our client base is unparalleled. This makes Petrocasa uniquely qualified to provide its project management with out-of-the-box solutions that are successful even in the most challenging of undertakings.
The following services are capably managed by highly experienced members of the Petrocasa team who have been carefully chosen to head up the department respective to their expertise, in order to help you accomplish your goals.
- Project Management
- Due Diligence
- Title Research
- Advanced GIS
- Lease Acquisition
- Right Of Way Acquisition
- Seismic Permitting
- Title curing and subordination
- 11 in house attorneys on staff
- Municipal Permitting
- Available Land Crews (5 to 75 Landmen)
- Ambitious experienced teams
- Advanced GIS Mapping
- Computer Database systems
- Proprietary leasing and mapping software
Pangaea or Pangæa (IPA: /pænˈdʒiːə/[1], from παν, pan, meaning entire, and Γαῖα, Gaea, meaning Earth in Ancient Greek) was the supercontinent that existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras about 250 million years ago, before each of the component continents were separated into their current configuration [2]. The name was first used by the German originator of the continental drift theory, Alfred Wegener, in the 1920 edition of his book The Origin of Continents and Oceans (Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane), in which a postulated supercontinent Pangaea played a key role.